Photos from Bewley

These photo scans are from Michele Bewley who writes:

"I recently discovered your website as I am researching my family history. While I am only uncovering items and do not know much, I do know that my grandmother worked for the NY & P railway I believe as a telegraph operator and have discovered a number of postcards and letters about the railroad, Renovo and Oswayo.

"One of the images includes a photo of Mr. W. L. Drake home in Oswayo, which I now believe( from your website) was the NY & P station agent in Oswayo! I will email these images to you and am also wondering if there is any place I can look to see if there are records that would indicate my grandmother's employment history (dates of when and where she was working and what type of work?) Her name was Catherine Horak and then married name, Walther. If you could please let me know/ Thanks so much for all the work you did on the website. I think it is great!" -- Michele

Coneville1907 1
Coneville1907 2
Drakeresidence_3 The home of Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Drake at Oswayo PA
Drakeresidence 3
The home of Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Drake at Oswayo PA
NYP Wreck 4
OswayoPA_6 The station of New York & Pennsylvania Railroad at Oswayo PA. This railroad was also locally called
OswayoPA 6
The station of New York & Pennsylvania Railroad at Oswayo PA. This railroad was also locally called "The Nip"!
Oswayo 5