1st Airmail Flight to Buffalo 1938 NAMES
list of names to match photo "1st Airmail Flight to Buffalo" May 19, 1938.

1st Methodist Church-across from Christian Temple
1st Methodist Church of Wellsville; Across street from Christian Temple.

2 of Many Locations-Cross Diner0001
A Family Diner where present Rescue Squad Bldg is located on S. Main Street. (Following is an email receivecd about the above and below diners: 11/30/09 "Hello,…

2 of Many Locations-Cross Diner0002
Last location of Cross Diner before demolition; Presently Truck Lot of Preston Auto/Truck Center, Inc.; Previously was located beside the Hopkin Lumber & Coal…

1949 Building of W. State St Bridge0004
Completion of West State Street Bridge, 2/27/1949 - Photos by Schwalb

B&S Service & Supply Corp
Jan 30, 1941; New Garage on Main Street; Later became Jerry Hackett Auto Dealership and Collins Building Supplies; Finally, North Main Lumber & demolished…

Brests Boats & Outboard Motors
Built in early 1950's by Ford & Peckham of Andover,NY. A "Quonset" frame steel building, it was built for Ed and Bubbles Brest as Brests Boats & Outboard Motors…

Family of Mrs. William Duke, Sr.; (Mrs. Duke is seated, center); L-R Front: Mrs. Mark Hyslip (Ella), Carrie Duke, Mrs. Bayard Haskins (Victoria) Back: Harold,…