Above Advertisement from Hornell Tribune, August 7, 1950, one of the earliest ads for the track..... Thank you Mary Rhodes for obtaining the clip.
WDR-Wlsv Racing Ad 8-10-51-Auto
Above Advertisement from Wellsville Daily Reporter - 8/10/1951.....from clippings of Jane Pinney.
Wellsville Raceway c_1948-9
Photo of Raceway, Ed Schwalb Studio, Wellsville c. 1940's; Just prior to start of auto racing it is believed. A neat 1/2 mile........ Wellsville, NY As viewers…
If you have old photos that you are willing to share please contact us by email: alleganychs@gmail.com . Our mailing address: Allegany County Historical Society; P. O. Box 252; Andover, NY 14806. Our Home is at 11 East Greenwood Street in Andover, N.Y.
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Wellsville Raceway
"A Raceway Gone, but, Not Forgotten....." Welcome to Wellsville Raceway....