3 Scenes-Shooting the Well
3 Scenes of "Shooting the Well" Picture from Emma Lou King archives, owned by Sandra & Sidney Cleveland.

AllegCo oil pools
From the reverse side of the bookcover for "Empire Oil" by John P. Herrick; Dodd Mead & Co. 1949

Bradley Prod Co-Sawyer
Bradley Producing Lease c.1936 Clipping from Emma Lou King archives, owned by Sandra & Sidney Cleveland. Near Allentown. Robert Lehman owns original photo.

Clark Engine in Messer Oil Co Plant (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)

OIL TANK ON RAILROAD TRACKS Believed to be at Vossburg area; Contact Webmaster if you know more about this picture.
1973 photo - Allentown Power House - pumped by Norm Swarthout. Submitted by Grandson, David Swarthout

Shannon Bill 1
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937

Shannon Bill 2
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937

Shannon Bill 3
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937

Storms-First Well-Fall 1911
Storms Lease, 1st Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown

Storms-Fourth Well-Fall 1911
Storms Lease, 4th Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown

Clark Engine-c.1935; Tapp Oil Co (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)

From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…

From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…

From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…

From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…

From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…