
3 Scenes-Shooting the Well 3 Scenes of
3 Scenes-Shooting the Well
3 Scenes of "Shooting the Well" Picture from Emma Lou King archives, owned by Sandra & Sidney Cleveland.
AllegCo oil pools From the reverse side of the bookcover for
AllegCo oil pools
From the reverse side of the bookcover for "Empire Oil" by John P. Herrick; Dodd Mead & Co. 1949
Alma Pump Station Explosion1914
Alma Pump Station Explosion1914
Bradley Prod Co 1936 Wellsville Pennysaver Reprint; Robert Lehman owns original
Bradley Prod Co 1936
Wellsville Pennysaver Reprint; Robert Lehman owns original
Bradley Prod Co-Sawyer Bradley Producing Lease c.1936 Clipping from Emma Lou King archives, owned by Sandra & Sidney Cleveland. Near Allentown. Robert Lehman owns original photo.
Bradley Prod Co-Sawyer
Bradley Producing Lease c.1936 Clipping from Emma Lou King archives, owned by Sandra & Sidney Cleveland. Near Allentown. Robert Lehman owns original photo.
ChurchOilWell METHODIST CHURCH OIL WELL A newspaper clipping
METHODIST CHURCH OIL WELL A newspaper clipping
Feb 11 1885 Alma
Feb 11 1885 Alma
Headline-Oil 1 Nov 22 1877 ACR
Headline-Oil 1 Nov 22 1877 ACR
MesserOil-ClarkEngines1935 Clark Engine in Messer Oil Co Plant (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)
Clark Engine in Messer Oil Co Plant (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)
Oiltank-tracks OIL TANK ON RAILROAD TRACKS Believed to be at Vossburg area; Contact Webmaster if you know more about this picture.
OIL TANK ON RAILROAD TRACKS Believed to be at Vossburg area; Contact Webmaster if you know more about this picture.
Powerhouse-Allentown 1973 photo - Allentown Power House - pumped by Norm Swarthout. Submitted by Grandson, David Swarthout
1973 photo - Allentown Power House - pumped by Norm Swarthout. Submitted by Grandson, David Swarthout
Shannon_Bill_1 Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Shannon Bill 1
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Shannon_Bill_2 Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Shannon Bill 2
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Shannon_Bill_3 Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Shannon Bill 3
Clippings submitted by Donald LaForge Sr., from his Mothers Collection from Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 1937
Storms-First Well-Fall 1911 Storms Lease, 1st Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown
Storms-First Well-Fall 1911
Storms Lease, 1st Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown
Storms-Fourth Well-Fall 1911 Storms Lease, 4th Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown
Storms-Fourth Well-Fall 1911
Storms Lease, 4th Well, Fall 1911 From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Edge of Allentown
TappOil-ClarkEngine1935 Clark Engine-c.1935; Tapp Oil Co (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)
Clark Engine-c.1935; Tapp Oil Co (From Diamond Jubilee Edition; Olean TIMES HERALD; May 15, 1935; Loaned by Keith Day & Clifford Day of Little Genesee,NY)
TheHon1 From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of...
From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…
TheHon2 From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of...
From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…
TheHon3 From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of...
From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…
TheHon4 From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of...
From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…
TheHon5 From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of...
From Allegany Democrat of Jan 25, 1878 and through April, 1878; Thanks to Mary Rhodes for discovering this story stashed away in the B.R.A.G. archives copies of…
TheHon6 And finally, what appears to be the last chapter.... April, 1878....
And finally, what appears to be the last chapter.... April, 1878....
WestCoast Rig-Withey Town West Coast Rig; Withey Town Toward Bolivar from Allentown From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland.
WestCoast Rig-Withey Town
West Coast Rig; Withey Town Toward Bolivar from Allentown From Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland.
Yellow Dog-Oil Light Yellow Dog - Oil Rig Lamp Clipping from Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Credit to Olean Times Herald
Yellow Dog-Oil Light
Yellow Dog - Oil Rig Lamp Clipping from Emma Lou King Archives, Owned by Sandy & Sidney Cleveland. Credit to Olean Times Herald