1883 Alma from Historian Report 1993
from 1993 Alma Town Historian (Norman Ives) Annual Report; This picture originally reprinted by Wellsville Pennysaver, date unknown. "Alma Hotel and Oil Fields…

Allentown 1
Allentown East View (Left half of big picture) Shows Methodist Church, IOOF Hall, School Property (Later to become Mildred's Diner

Allentown 2
Allentown West View After 1904; Wood School building moved down main street when brick school built. Central House (hotel) also visible.

Allentown 1890s
Allentown View c.1890s Railroad at bottom of picture; railroad closed 1893; Picture taken from on Hillside behind the school building. (Large White Building)

Allentown from the air
Ca.1949; Allentown Area; Shows the Oil Leases laid out in plat format. Submitted by David Swarthout who lives in Alaska.

1908 Postcard View of Allentown from Craig Braack Collection

Allentown Blacksmith Shop w/church in background (Probable, John Tunstead Shop) Postcard dated 1907 from Craig Braack Collection

ALLENTOWN c.1890 View from west looking toward Wellsville. Large white building in center is School. Building to right is BEC RR (Bradford, Eldred & Cuba)…

Knight's Creek Flooding; In front of Hardware showing water flowing across Phillip's Hill Road toward the school building out of sight at right.

Allentown East
Allentown East View (Left half of big picture) Shows Methodist Church, IOOF Hall, School Property (Later to become Mildred's Diner)

I.O.O.F. Play-1918
Play Advertisement, 1918 Benefit to Red Cross - I.O.O.F. Hall "Local Talent" Submitted by Barbara Claire

L-R Section 1
Ron Taylor: "The 4 pictures are from a Panoramic Picture that I scanned in sections. They are labeled 1-4 and start at the lower (Eastern) end of Allentown at…

L-R Section 2
Ron Taylor: "The 4 pictures are from a Panoramic Picture that I scanned in sections. They are labeled 1-4 and start at the lower (Eastern) end of Allentown at…

L-R Section 3
Ron Taylor:"The 4 pictures are from a Panoramic Picture that I scanned in sections. They are labeled 1-4 and start at the lower (Eastern) end of Allentown at…