Auto Dealers
7 images

10 images

1934 Bridge over Belmont Falls-Pinney
1934-Bridge over Genesee Falls-Belmont,NY Wellsville Daily Reporter Clipping submitted by Jane Pinney

Charles Smith Whitney Historic Mansion Museum - "The Americana Manse 39 South St., Corner Whitney - Belmont, NY Post Card Collection of Jane Pinney

Old B&S Railroad Station; Belmont, NY--now a residence next to the Old Grange Hall from Bill Leilous Collection

Belmont 01
Dealer's Plate. 3 License Plates Owned by Bill Leilous; They are 1925 NY plates, same year as his Dad, "Red" Leilous founded the original East Side Garage,…

Belmont 02
Commercial Plate. 3 License Plates Owned by Bill Leilous; They are 1925 NY plates, same year as his Dad, "Red" Leilous founded the original East Side Garage,…

Belmont 03
Passenger Plate. 3 License Plates Owned by Bill Leilous; They are 1925 NY plates, same year as his Dad, "Red" Leilous founded the original East Side Garage,…

Belmont 06
Charles Smith Whitney Historic Mansion Museum - "The Americana Manse 39 South St., Corner Whitney - Belmont,NY. PostCard Collection of Jane Pinney

Belmont 07
1972 - Flood Picture Bridge by Genesee Falls-Belmont,NY Wellsville Daily Reporter Picture Submitted by Jane Pinney

Belmont 08
Vault of Hamilton Ward at Forest Hills Cemetery Hamilton Ward Sr & Jr. both served as State Att'y. General; Sr. served in U.S. Congress...

Belmont 11
Logs: Phillip Creek Mill Pond � Belmont; looking at Erie Station Dammed up the creek and floated logs down in spring, removed dam later and let the water flow.…

Belmont 15
Conley or Allegany Hotel; Stood on site of East Side Yamaha (East Side Garage-Belmont) from Bill Leilous Collection

Belmont Sesqui Photo
1980 Sesquicentennial at Belmont, NY - View of "The Falls" from Bill Leilous Collection

Belvidere School 1926
Belvidere Rural School c.1926 submitted by Dave Fish Names in Belvidere Rural School c.1926 Picture at left Back Row-Martha Scott, Paul Duffy, Joyce Swain, Lee…

Belvidere Restaurant Last Day Open 4-6-2012
Belvidere Restaurant, Belmont, N.Y. Last day open, 4/6/2012.

1972 - Flood Picture Bridge by Genesee Falls-Belmont,NY Wellsville Daily Reporter Picture Submitted by Jane Pinney

Recognize which School Bus Fleet this is? Belmont Central School Bus Fleet: Late 40s � Early 50s L-R: Llewellyn Scott Harlan Smith E. D. Paulman Courtesy of…