Early 1900s Rushford Main Street - Wellsville Daily Reporter "Remember When" photo Submitted from collection of Jane Pinney

RushfordHS 1922
Postmarked Nov 15, 1922 & sent to Howard Butler in Castile, NY by R.W.H. The note reads " It looks quiet & is quiet." Submitted by Laura Danner;

RushfordHS Mar1920
"Postmarked Mar 16, 1920 and sent to Emily Foote Merville (my GGAunt) in Arcade, NY by my grandmother, Beulah Yule Butler."-- Submitted by Laura Danner;

"Rushford - 1920 - 32nd Degree Masons"; Above is a picture of Rushford Masons. Handwriting on the picture folio states "Rushford - 1920 32nd Degree Masons".…

Rushford BoysBB1921
"My Grandfather, Howard Butler, is the adult in the Boys BBall 1921 Team. All others are unknown."-- Submitted by Laura Danner; "My 92 year old mother, Irene…

Rushford GirlsBB1920
All unknown; 1920 Team at Rushford H.S. Submitted by Laura Danner; Irene Drew Worthington identified the following: "In the 1920 women's basketball team the…