2-Gent approach
1944 Bowling in Wellsville Worthington League Don Gent- the release These pictures and information submitted by Elizabeth Burdick of Jericho Hill Road, Alfred.…

3-Gent Follow
1944 Bowling in Wellsville Worthington League Don Gent- The follow through These pictures and information submitted by Elizabeth Burdick of Jericho Hill Road,…

1944 Bowling in Wellsville Worthington League Ed Fleischman- the wait These pictures and information submitted by Elizabeth Burdick of Jericho Hill Road,…

1944 Bowling in Wellsville Worthington League L-R: "Moss" Stevens, Don Gent, 3 unknowns, Art Runzo, ----Hawley, unknown, Stu Cross, John Sweeney, unknown, Vic…

1944 Bowling in Wellsville Worthington League 2 Unknowns, Eddy Fleischman, Lewis Wachter, L. Antoon, Mr. Ballerstein; In back: Harry Lewis, Henry "Hank"…