Nellie Hanks Geer Clough Photos

Elwin Geer has loaned us his Grandmother's photos to share. Nellie Hanks Geer Clough's photos cover a couple of 1935 shots of the broken Austin Flood walls that flooded the PA valley and cost many lives as well as Wellsville flood scenes of 1945-1947. A few photos are of Wellsville People. ALSO, we will be setting up pages for you to view of the old Pennysaver of Wellsville Photo Reprints. The first set of Pennysaver Reprints will be from the collection of Nellie Hanks Geer Clough. Please submit scans or bring them to the Allegany County Historical Society office of additional scans that we can add to this collection of the old Pennysaver photos. Scans can be emailed to
Austin Dam after Flood, Taken in 1935
Austin Dam after Flood, Taken in 1935
Austin Dam after the flood taken in 1935
Austin Dam after the flood taken in 1935
B&O tracks Wellsville June 1946
B&O tracks Wellsville June 1946
Ball Park from Local dug out April 5, 1947
Ball Park from Local dug out April 5, 1947
Ball Park from Visiters dug out April 5, 1947
Ball Park from Visiters dug out April 5, 1947
Charles Schen mail carrier (April 1947)
Charles Schen mail carrier (April 1947)
Dick Monkes (Police Officer) April 1947
Dick Monkes (Police Officer) April 1947
Eric Roeske (Police Chief) April 1947
Eric Roeske (Police Chief) April 1947
High School April 5, 1947
High School April 5, 1947
Island Park April 5, 1947-2
Island Park April 5, 1947-2
Island Park April 5, 1947-3
Island Park April 5, 1947-3
Island Park April 5, 1947
Island Park April 5, 1947
Island Park January 1945
Island Park January 1945
Island Park June 1946-2
Island Park June 1946-2
Island Park June 1946
Island Park June 1946
Jypsy Lane Bridge June 1946
Jypsy Lane Bridge June 1946
Looking from State Street bridge Dec. 1946
Looking from State Street bridge Dec. 1946
Looking from State Street Bridge June 1946
Looking from State Street Bridge June 1946
Looking towards refinery from grand stand at ball park 4-5-47
Looking towards refinery from grand stand at ball park 4-5-47
Lunns log yard March 1947-2
Lunns log yard March 1947-2
Lunns log yard March 1947
Lunns log yard March 1947
Main Street looking north May 15, 1947
Main Street looking north May 15, 1947
North Brooklyn Ave. June 1946
North Brooklyn Ave. June 1946
Officer Denhoff clearing traffic after Parade 1946
Officer Denhoff clearing traffic after Parade 1946
Park Place from State Street bridge April 5, 1947
Park Place from State Street bridge April 5, 1947
Park Place June 1946
Park Place June 1946
Parking lot West side of High School June 1946
Parking lot West side of High School June 1946
Pearl Street bridge looking north June 1946
Pearl Street bridge looking north June 1946
Pumping out the High School June 1946
Pumping out the High School June 1946
Pumping out the Water & Light Plant June 1946
Pumping out the Water & Light Plant June 1946
Rear of Brooklyn School June 1946
Rear of Brooklyn School June 1946
Rear of High School June 1946-2
Rear of High School June 1946-2
Rear of High School June 1946
Rear of High School June 1946
Results of Flood 1946
Results of Flood 1946
South Main Street At Umikers June 1946-2
South Main Street At Umikers June 1946-2
South Main Street at Umikers June 1946
South Main Street at Umikers June 1946
South Main Street bridge June 1946
South Main Street bridge June 1946
Sweets Store Main Street June 1946
Sweets Store Main Street June 1946
Tuller field June 1946-2
Tuller field June 1946-2
Tuller field June 1946-3
Tuller field June 1946-3
Tuller field June 1946
Tuller field June 1946
Wellsville swimming Pool Dec. 1946-2
Wellsville swimming Pool Dec. 1946-2
Wellsville Swimming Pool Dec. 1946
Wellsville Swimming Pool Dec. 1946