
Timber_01 Sawmill above Ceres, PA.
Timber 01
Sawmill above Ceres, PA.
Timber_02 Sawmill owned by Lewis Pitzrick and sold to LAD LUMBER. Owners of LAD LUMBER: Lyle Wells, Al Monahan and Dick Hedden. It was later bought by DUTTON LUMBER....
Timber 02
Sawmill owned by Lewis Pitzrick and sold to LAD LUMBER. Owners of LAD LUMBER: Lyle Wells, Al Monahan and Dick Hedden. It was later bought by DUTTON LUMBER.…
Timber_03 Timbers of the once Anson Congdon, Sr. saw mill. It was in operation about 1876. (photo taken 1985 or earlier)
Timber 03
Timbers of the once Anson Congdon, Sr. saw mill. It was in operation about 1876. (photo taken 1985 or earlier)
Timber_04 Photo of a Lumbering Operation Near Andover, NY (Devils Kitchen), Off Shovel Hollow Road. Date unknown, but, must have been in the area ending the...
Timber 04
Photo of a Lumbering Operation Near Andover, NY (Devils Kitchen), Off Shovel Hollow Road. Date unknown, but, must have been in the area ending the…