Discovery Well Plaque "Site of the First Producing Well in the Richburg Oil field Completed April 27, 1881 by the Richburg Oil Company at a depth of 1231 1/4…

Early View of Main Street-Richburg; Notice the wooden oil rig... Above Post Card available in a set of notecards produced & may be purchased from B.R.A.G.…

c.1882 Richburg, Town of Wirt MoneySaver Picture; Submitted by Sidney & Sandra Cleveland from archives of Emma Lou King, former Alma Town Historian.

Richburg Of Today - 1895
From Buffalo Express - June 30, 1895 "Richburg of Today."--"Waiting for Something to Turn Up".

Richburg Oil Craze
Richburg during Oil Craze c.1887 Printed in 1935 Diamond Jubilee Edition of Olean Times Herald
Richburg Oil Craze 2
(From Olean Times Herald Special Edition: "Olean Sesqui-Centennial 1804-1954" published 8/14/1954) RICHBURG DURING OIL CRAZE. Allegany County was dotted with…