Scout Canoe Trip

Canoe02 Some Explorer Scouts in front of Palmer's store: (L->R) Jim Moreland, Jim Walsh, Frank Cady, Bill McQueen, Dave Walsh, Donald Pye, and John Walsh. Posing prior...
Some Explorer Scouts in front of Palmer's store: (L->R) Jim Moreland, Jim Walsh, Frank Cady, Bill McQueen, Dave Walsh, Donald Pye, and John Walsh. Posing prior…
Canoe03 (L->R): Jim Walsh, Bill McQueen and Frank Cady chatting on Palmer's store porch prior to departure.
(L->R): Jim Walsh, Bill McQueen and Frank Cady chatting on Palmer's store porch prior to departure.
Canoe04 Loading the trailer prior to departure. Known young men facing camera: (L->R): Jim Moreland (w/white hat) , Frank Cady, Larry Wightman (closest to camera),...
Loading the trailer prior to departure. Known young men facing camera: (L->R): Jim Moreland (w/white hat) , Frank Cady, Larry Wightman (closest to camera),…
Canoe05 (L->R) Bill McQueen & Ward Guild after buying Indian headdress at Niagara Falls just prior to crossover into Canada.
(L->R) Bill McQueen & Ward Guild after buying Indian headdress at Niagara Falls just prior to crossover into Canada.
Canoe06 At camp. (L->R): Bill McQueen, (?), Gene Swarthout
At camp. (L->R): Bill McQueen, (?), Gene Swarthout
Canoe07 Taking a break: (L->R) Ward Guild, Bill McQueen, (?)
Taking a break: (L->R) Ward Guild, Bill McQueen, (?)
Canoe08 Unloading canoes. Nearest camera:(L->R) Jim Moreland, and Jim (?) Walsh; in background: (?) and Gene Swarthout
Unloading canoes. Nearest camera:(L->R) Jim Moreland, and Jim (?) Walsh; in background: (?) and Gene Swarthout
Canoe09 Allentown Explorer Scouts cruising in formation at dusk.
Allentown Explorer Scouts cruising in formation at dusk.
Canoe10 Somebody found a place to rest in the woods. (L->R) Bill McQueen, Donald Pye and Gene Swarthout.
Somebody found a place to rest in the woods. (L->R) Bill McQueen, Donald Pye and Gene Swarthout.
Canoe11 (L->R) Donald Pye and Ward Guild at lakeside.
(L->R) Donald Pye and Ward Guild at lakeside.
Canoe12 Chow time! (L->R) Foreground only: Frank Cady, Donald Pye, Bill McQueen, and Jim Walsh.
Chow time! (L->R) Foreground only: Frank Cady, Donald Pye, Bill McQueen, and Jim Walsh.
Canoe13 Cleaning up after chow. Excepting for Jim Walsh on the left, I am unsure of the identity of the other Scouts in this photo.
Cleaning up after chow. Excepting for Jim Walsh on the left, I am unsure of the identity of the other Scouts in this photo.
Canoe14 Canoe Race Time --
Canoe Race Time -- "on your mark, get ready, ........."
Canoe15 Canoe Launching 101
Canoe Launching 101
Canoe16 Ward Guild (standing) and Dick Ryan taking a swim break
Ward Guild (standing) and Dick Ryan taking a swim break
Canoe17 Gene Swarthout putting on boots at his
Gene Swarthout putting on boots at his "bedroom" in the woods.
Canoe18 Ward Guild (rear) and Gene Swarthout --
Ward Guild (rear) and Gene Swarthout -- "Poster Scouts for the Canadian Canoe Trip!" (I suspect this photo was taken by Don Adams.)