Memories of Allentown-Adams Collection

Memories of Allentown, A Picture Album from the Don Adams Collection

Note: Don Adams was kind enough to share his family's picture album with us. The historical value is priceless. If you spot a connection that is meaningful let us know. If you can add information or descriptions to anything presented here please email: 

6-PorterBabcock-Bro_of_Pearl Cady AN ALBUM PAGE Upper- Guy Fitch my Aunts brother. Fred Maitland, who married Bessie Withey; Right- Gene Elliott, Porter Babcock (Brother of Pearl Cady), Bill...
6-PorterBabcock-Bro of Pearl Cady
AN ALBUM PAGE Upper- Guy Fitch my Aunts brother. Fred Maitland, who married Bessie Withey; Right- Gene Elliott, Porter Babcock (Brother of Pearl Cady), Bill…
7-ArkansasBurningWell RKANSAS WELL BURNING Many oil workers from Allentown & area went to other states to
RKANSAS WELL BURNING Many oil workers from Allentown & area went to other states to "continue the work". This scene was commonplace in Allegany oil field during…
8-DonaldRAdams1922 DONALD R. ADAMS Can anyone identify the Roadster?
DONALD R. ADAMS Can anyone identify the Roadster?
10-Adams-Abbott-etc AUGUST 1917 Rear- Willis Elmer Adams & wife, Flora Abbott & Clarence Allen Front- Blanche Fitch, Donald R. Adams & Pearl Allen
AUGUST 1917 Rear- Willis Elmer Adams & wife, Flora Abbott & Clarence Allen Front- Blanche Fitch, Donald R. Adams & Pearl Allen
11-CecileSwarthout_and_LillianGowdy CECILE SWARTHOUT & LILLIAN GOWDY Cecile, dau of George & Lena Townsend Swarthout, later Perry
11-CecileSwarthout and LillianGowdy
CECILE SWARTHOUT & LILLIAN GOWDY Cecile, dau of George & Lena Townsend Swarthout, later Perry
"OLD" ALLENTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Section built in 1904
"PALS"-Blanche Fitch & Lillian Gowdy Top Center: Guy Fitch & "kitchen cat" at Camp Dix; Top Right: Lillian Gowdy, later m. Elton Swarthout. Bottom: Donald R.…
13-AllentownSceneAbout1905 ALLENTOWN SCENE c. 1905; Large white building was school built in 1884, moved to make room for
ALLENTOWN SCENE c. 1905; Large white building was school built in 1884, moved to make room for "Old" brick school. Later moved back beside brick school & used…
17-James and Mrs Butts
17-James and Mrs Butts
18-AllentownFaculty1911 ALLENTOWN SCHOOL FACULTY - 1911 Top: Harriett Swarthout; 2nd: Miss Wilson; 3rd: Miss Stafford. Bottom two unidentified.
ALLENTOWN SCHOOL FACULTY - 1911 Top: Harriett Swarthout; 2nd: Miss Wilson; 3rd: Miss Stafford. Bottom two unidentified.
19-Rebecca-Allentown The Rebeccas - Picture taken beside Odd Fellows Hall. Alice Dayton Potter(wife of Ralph), Mrs Brandon & husband operated general store & hardware across from...
The Rebeccas - Picture taken beside Odd Fellows Hall. Alice Dayton Potter(wife of Ralph), Mrs Brandon & husband operated general store & hardware across from…
20-1910 4th July-Allentown (20) 4th of July 1910 L-R: Margaret Coleman, Vivian Barnes, Alta Cleveland, Stella McEnroe, Mattie Cleveland, Jesse Storms, Laurence Butts, Francis Glendenning,...
20-1910 4th July-Allentown
(20) 4th of July 1910 L-R: Margaret Coleman, Vivian Barnes, Alta Cleveland, Stella McEnroe, Mattie Cleveland, Jesse Storms, Laurence Butts, Francis Glendenning,…
21-Allentown Class-1912 (21) Class of 1912-Allentown Teacher, Mrs. Stafford. Dorothy Boyd (dau Charles & May), Blanche Fitch, then 12. Posed in front of school. Donald R. Adams in...
21-Allentown Class-1912
(21) Class of 1912-Allentown Teacher, Mrs. Stafford. Dorothy Boyd (dau Charles & May), Blanche Fitch, then 12. Posed in front of school. Donald R. Adams in…
22-AllentownYouth 22) Allentown Youth Wilton Butts, Ralph Hill, Ellis & Elton Swarthout(brothers), Cecile (their sister), Rosita Phillips. Rosita married Mr.Chambers & lived in...
22) Allentown Youth Wilton Butts, Ralph Hill, Ellis & Elton Swarthout(brothers), Cecile (their sister), Rosita Phillips. Rosita married Mr.Chambers & lived in…
23-1910-4thJuly-Allentown (23) 1910 4th of July at Allentown School before 1934 addition. Ron Adams, Curtis Moreland, Jim & Mrs. Jim Walsh, Howard Gowdy, later long-time Supt of Highways...
(23) 1910 4th of July at Allentown School before 1934 addition. Ron Adams, Curtis Moreland, Jim & Mrs. Jim Walsh, Howard Gowdy, later long-time Supt of Highways…
24-MrsStafford-Teacher-Hotel-MannHouse (24) Mrs. Stafford, teacher. Mann Home in background. Large white building was old hotel (Central House).
(24) Mrs. Stafford, teacher. Mann Home in background. Large white building was old hotel (Central House).
26-Yard of AllentownSchool-BrandonsStore (26) In side Yard of Old Allentown School Picture taken w/Photographer facing Bolivar. Brandon's store in background across Phillips Hill Road. Later the store...
26-Yard of AllentownSchool-BrandonsStore
(26) In side Yard of Old Allentown School Picture taken w/Photographer facing Bolivar. Brandon's store in background across Phillips Hill Road. Later the store…
27-AllentownFaculty-circa1910 (27) The Principal (& his teachers) Principal was short for
(27) The Principal (& his teachers) Principal was short for "Principal Teacher" & almost always male. Sometimes called Professor, he was oft-times close to age…
28-Ladies of Allentown (28) ? WCTU?-Is that a Bible on Step? Mrs. Charles York (lived corner Sheffield-Orchard Sts), May Allen Boyd(Mrs. Charles), Mrs. Albert Howe, ____Holtom.
28-Ladies of Allentown
(28) ? WCTU?-Is that a Bible on Step? Mrs. Charles York (lived corner Sheffield-Orchard Sts), May Allen Boyd(Mrs. Charles), Mrs. Albert Howe, ____Holtom.
29-1911 Class-Allentown (29) 1911 Mrs. Stafford's Class Kitty(Katherine Christman-Mrs Luman Cleveland), Larry & Lloyd Swarthout, Moses Stephens, Alta Cleveland, Don Adams.
29-1911 Class-Allentown
(29) 1911 Mrs. Stafford's Class Kitty(Katherine Christman-Mrs Luman Cleveland), Larry & Lloyd Swarthout, Moses Stephens, Alta Cleveland, Don Adams.
30-1915AllentownBasketball in Wood School replies........ (From Don Adams): Right front row is Harry Withey, brother of Ina and Bessie Withey.
30-1915AllentownBasketball in Wood School
replies........ (From Don Adams): Right front row is Harry Withey, brother of Ina and Bessie Withey.
32-1902GraduatesAllentownHighSchool (32) 1902 Graduate - Allentown High School Sylvia M. Fitch(later Mrs. Albert Matson), Hazel I Myers, Myrtle E. Woodard; seated, Martin F. Riley, Norton...
(32) 1902 Graduate - Allentown High School Sylvia M. Fitch(later Mrs. Albert Matson), Hazel I Myers, Myrtle E. Woodard; seated, Martin F. Riley, Norton…
33-Recital Program-Allentown A Recital Program - June 21, 1913 Well-known Allentown Names: Bartlett, Phillips, Coleman, Swarthout, Allen, Vance, Remington, Fitch & Babcock.
33-Recital Program-Allentown
A Recital Program - June 21, 1913 Well-known Allentown Names: Bartlett, Phillips, Coleman, Swarthout, Allen, Vance, Remington, Fitch & Babcock.
34-PrincipalsHouse House owned by Allentown School District Used many years as Principal's Home. Second from Left in Rear Row is Flora Abbott Adams. Second from right in front row...
House owned by Allentown School District Used many years as Principal's Home. Second from Left in Rear Row is Flora Abbott Adams. Second from right in front row…
35 Hilda Meyers Adams and son, Donald Ross Adams In back yard of home in Allentown. In background is house & outhouse of Earl Cady's parents home. Oil well was...
Hilda Meyers Adams and son, Donald Ross Adams In back yard of home in Allentown. In background is house & outhouse of Earl Cady's parents home. Oil well was…
37-AHS Approx 1905 Allentown Union School circa 1905. Notice the dirt street & plank sidewalk. Also, balcony on Hill's Restr. Bldg.
37-AHS Approx 1905
Allentown Union School circa 1905. Notice the dirt street & plank sidewalk. Also, balcony on Hill's Restr. Bldg.
40-AnAllentownClassc.1910 (40) c.1910 Allentown Class Note the
(40) c.1910 Allentown Class Note the "out door convenience bldg" known as the outhouse! If you squint you can see the oil jack and tripods for rod line.
43-AdamsHome-Pre-1927 (43) Adams Family Home Notice the gas lamp with valve at base. This house purchased by father of Donald R. Adams in 1920's from Hazel Williams.
(43) Adams Family Home Notice the gas lamp with valve at base. This house purchased by father of Donald R. Adams in 1920's from Hazel Williams.
1915Pole_Vaulter-Allentown Pole Vaulter - 1915 circa That ground looks hard to land on!! Notice that there are no wells on the hill in background. Drilling there started late 1920's.
1915Pole Vaulter-Allentown
Pole Vaulter - 1915 circa That ground looks hard to land on!! Notice that there are no wells on the hill in background. Drilling there started late 1920's.
1941 Senior Class Allentown High School - 1941 Senior Class Rear L-R: Unknown, Unknown, Clarence (Bud) Schram, Lyle Alsworth, ?Mr. Brewster. Front L-R: ______Cleveland, June...
1941 Senior Class
Allentown High School - 1941 Senior Class Rear L-R: Unknown, Unknown, Clarence (Bud) Schram, Lyle Alsworth, ?Mr. Brewster. Front L-R: ______Cleveland, June…
AHS-Winter View Circa1950 Allentown Union School circa 1950 The school I remember! What a shame for it to deteriorate. Why doesn't some alumni win the lotto & spend it here.
AHS-Winter View Circa1950
Allentown Union School circa 1950 The school I remember! What a shame for it to deteriorate. Why doesn't some alumni win the lotto & spend it here.
Blanche Fitch 1922 Allentown
Blanche Fitch 1922 Allentown
"One Monday Morning" Blanche Fitch in from of house on Sheffield Avenue-Allentown, 1922.
Cecile-Lillian-Blanche Cecile, Lillian & Blanche Swarthout, Gowdy & Fitch
Cecile, Lillian & Blanche Swarthout, Gowdy & Fitch
Center-Pearl-MrsClarence-Allen AT BOLIVAR In center- Pearl (Mrs. Clarence) Allen
AT BOLIVAR In center- Pearl (Mrs. Clarence) Allen
CharlesAllen_and_JohnFitch-c1920 Finished
CharlesAllen and JohnFitch-c1920
Finished "Setting a Jack" Charles Allen & John Fitch.
GatheringatFrontHotelAllentown Replies...... (From Don Adams): In front of Hotel, Central House; Mostly Unknown Names; Hotel was converted into a dwelling. Known residents were Hackett Family...
Replies...... (From Don Adams): In front of Hotel, Central House; Mostly Unknown Names; Hotel was converted into a dwelling. Known residents were Hackett Family…
GreatCarsof1922 At Woodhull 6-22-1922. What beautiful cars!
At Woodhull 6-22-1922. What beautiful cars!
JoeMatson-killedWWII Joe Matson 10 months. Only child of Albert J. and Sylvia Fitch Matson. Graduated from Notre Dame & killed piloting an airplane in WWII. Albert J. Matson also...
Joe Matson 10 months. Only child of Albert J. and Sylvia Fitch Matson. Graduated from Notre Dame & killed piloting an airplane in WWII. Albert J. Matson also…