Miscellaneous Wellsville

RustyReuben The following material submitted by Mary Rhodes and Roger Palmer. A Country Western(
The following material submitted by Mary Rhodes and Roger Palmer. A Country Western("Hillbilly") Mystery! Who was "The Rusty Reubens", and, Were they from…
Wellsville1 This 1912 photograph was originally owned by Charles Richard Gardner and now by his granddaughter, Heather Corson who shared it with us. The photo was also...
This 1912 photograph was originally owned by Charles Richard Gardner and now by his granddaughter, Heather Corson who shared it with us. The photo was also…
"A gardener found this medal while working the soil and asked us to identify it. Can anyone help? It says "Village of Wellsville 1857" Three sections are…
Wellsville General Hospital Photo by Vic Neal
Wellsville General Hospital
Photo by Vic Neal