1920's: 5 women: Caroline d'Autremont Scholes, far left, Emma Wafler Evans, middle Submitted by Gerrie Evans Raw

Photo above was submitted by "Don" Baker of Belvidere, with assistance of Dolores Whitney. The photo was from an album of his Mother, Mae Baker. The picture was…

at the trestle
1920's: At the Trestle.
Emma Wafler Evans in the center w/big hat; Dan Evans behind her.
Submitted by Gerrie Evans Raw

c1902 Morton-Evans
ca. 1902. Those identified left to right: David Evans, Cornelia Scholes Evans (m. 1901); Grace Scholes Black Dort, and Cornelia's sister, Mabel Scholes Morton…

Croquet 1
Photos Compliments of David Haggstrom.
Early 1900s Croquet, "In the Circle" at Angelica, NY

Fireman at County Home
Volunteer Firemen Visit County Home, Angelica, NY, July 10, 1929. This George E. Mott photo, owned by George Cotton of Friendship, needs names to go with the…