003 Allentown Group
"On the back of this photo is my late mother's signature, "Ruth Ingalls". I think I inherited it from her. I have no idea who the people are in the photo. It…

004-Plane from Unknown Lake
"Airplane being pulled from a lake; unknown lake, unknown people. This was attached in same bundle of photos that I received from my Mother."--Ward Guild

"Note on the back of #005; I sent these because they were bundled in the same small group of photos and post cards from my Mother."--Ward Guild.

006-Horse team transporting people to Francis Willard League-Load2
"The destination of this 2nd load of people is the Francis Williard League started for Little Genesee,PA. Card dated Feb. 22,1910. Unmailed card was unstamped…
007 Horse-team-Load1 unknown year location
"Once again, I included this undated, un mailed, unstamped and un addressed Post card because it was in the small pack of photos I had received from my mother…