Ward Guild Photo Album

001a-Rock City message dated 7-11-11
001 Rock City Post Card dated 7-11-1911
002-Mary Lovina Metcalf date unknown-see-back
002a-Mary Lovina Metcalf-showing Birth death dates
003 Allentown Group
"On the back of this photo is my late mother's signature, "Ruth Ingalls". I think I inherited it from her. I have no idea who the people are in the photo. It…
004-Plane from Unknown Lake
"Airplane being pulled from a lake; unknown lake, unknown people. This was attached in same bundle of photos that I received from my Mother."--Ward Guild
"Note on the back of #005; I sent these because they were bundled in the same small group of photos and post cards from my Mother."--Ward Guild.
006-Horse team transporting people to Francis Willard League-Load2
"The destination of this 2nd load of people is the Francis Williard League started for Little Genesee,PA. Card dated Feb. 22,1910. Unmailed card was unstamped…
006a back of postcard 006
007 Horse-team-Load1 unknown year location
"Once again, I included this undated, un mailed, unstamped and un addressed Post card because it was in the small pack of photos I had received from my mother…
008a_Back_photo--Feb_19-1910 Photo 008a shows the back of the Post Card, with one signature: Mrs W.H. Withey. Card un stamped, un mailed and un addressed.
008a Back photo--Feb 19-1910
Photo 008a shows the back of the Post Card, with one signature: Mrs W.H. Withey. Card un stamped, un mailed and un addressed.
008_2-19-1910_Deep_Snow_W.H.Withey_house Deep Snow at the Withey House, 1910 - 19 February
008 2-19-1910 Deep Snow W.H.Withey house
Deep Snow at the Withey House, 1910 - 19 February
009 WILLAM others
Ruth Ingalls as a young girl b. 15 Jun 1915; photo date unknown; from Ward Guild
Ruth Ingalls as a young girl
b. 15 Jun 1915; photo date unknown; from Ward Guild
That old gang of mine
That old gang of mine
"That Old Gang of Mine" LR-Frank Cady, Don Adams, Bill McQueen, and Bob Wray. Owner, Ward Guild says, "attached photo that I took in the mid to late 40's. I was…