Bolivar Central School

1913 8thGrade 1913 8th Grade at Bolivar Collection of Ray Payne.
1913 8thGrade
1913 8th Grade at Bolivar Collection of Ray Payne.
1913 8thGrade_2 Letter accompanying photo of 1913 8th grade class. Collection of Ray Payne.
1913 8thGrade 2
Letter accompanying photo of 1913 8th grade class. Collection of Ray Payne.
1945_Bolivar 1945 - Beverly Hoak @ 8 years old; Bolivar Central School Sumitted by her son, Alfred E. Easton, Jr.
1945 Bolivar
1945 - Beverly Hoak @ 8 years old; Bolivar Central School Sumitted by her son, Alfred E. Easton, Jr.
1945 Bolivar2
Bolivar School Bolivar Central School, date unknown. Photo Album of Ray Payne Curator, Pioneer Oil Museum
Bolivar School
Bolivar Central School, date unknown. Photo Album of Ray Payne Curator, Pioneer Oil Museum
BolivarHighSchool postmark 1910 Collection of Dan Nicholson.
postmark 1910 Collection of Dan Nicholson.