Sportsman's Raceway - Jerry Seamans Collection

We've received these photos from Jerry Seamans. Jerry writes: "My older brother (Richard Seamans) and nephew (Randy Fay) were both very much into dirt track racing in the mid/late 1960's, building and racing cars at Mills Sportsman's Raceway, Hornell Raceway, and Woodhull Raceway. I have been enjoying the Allegany History website very much, especially the Racing History section. It brings back many fond memories of my childhood as I was 10-15 years old at that time."
007 Randy Fay 2b Randy Fay from Potter Brook (Owner/Driver)
007 Randy Fay 2b
Randy Fay from Potter Brook (Owner/Driver)
007 Randy Fay 4
007 Randy Fay 4
"Car 007 (Blue) Randy Fay from Potter Brook (Owner/Driver) Hornell Track? Not Sure."--Jerry Seamans
7 Sonney Hanes Car 7 Sonney Hanes
7 Sonney Hanes
Car 7 Sonney Hanes
9 1-16 Dean Layfield c Car 9/16 Dean Layfield
9 1-16 Dean Layfield c
Car 9/16 Dean Layfield
9 Forey Geffers Car 9 Forey Geffers
9 Forey Geffers
Car 9 Forey Geffers
11 Bill Layfield or Shifty Sherwood Car 11 Dean Layfield or Shifty Sherwood (not sure).
11 Bill Layfield or Shifty Sherwood
Car 11 Dean Layfield or Shifty Sherwood (not sure).
15 Car 15 Unknown
Car 15 Unknown
15X Eddie Fay 1 b Car 15X Eddie Fay (Won Track Championship 196?) (Pic taken at Seaman's Farm where car was built - Westfield, PA)
15X Eddie Fay 1 b
Car 15X Eddie Fay (Won Track Championship 196?) (Pic taken at Seaman's Farm where car was built - Westfield, PA)
37 Jim (The Feather Duster) Car 37 Jim ? (The Feather Duster)
37 Jim (The Feather Duster)
Car 37 Jim ? (The Feather Duster)
"Car 55X Unknown (Flagman is Jim Williams I believe - original owner of Woodhull Track)"--Jerry Seamans.
56B John Schoener Car 56B John Shoener from Galeton
56B John Schoener
Car 56B John Shoener from Galeton
57 Car 57 Unknown
Car 57 Unknown
77 Bill Higby Car 77 Bill Higby
77 Bill Higby
Car 77 Bill Higby
121 Bill Layfield Car 121 Bill Layfield
121 Bill Layfield
Car 121 Bill Layfield
203 - 2 Car 203 Unknown
203 - 2
Car 203 Unknown
Unknown 1 Car ? Unknown
Unknown 1
Car ? Unknown
Wreck - Mills, PA Wreck on Front Stretch
Wreck - Mills, PA
Wreck on Front Stretch